Juan Camilo Trujillo
Experience: 25 Years
25 years of experience in the main manufacturing and operations areas.Personal Information:
- Mechanical Engineer and Production Specialist from EAFIT University
- Specialist in Lean Manufacturing, TOC, MRP I and II, DDMRP and in the strategic implementation of the operations area
- Chairman of the MBA at EAFIT University
- Speaker in Cost Specializations at EAFIT University and Icesi University
- Co-founder of WA Solutions, focusing on TOC, MRPII and DDRMP
- His last position was vice president of operations at Companhia de Empaques S.S. and then dedicated himself full time to WA Solutions as executive director
- Photography
- Walk the dogs
- Create WhatsApp groups
- “Bother” your co-workers on weekends
- Father of Sofia and Manuela
Jhoojan Areiza
Experience: 15 Years
15 years of experience in software development.Personal Information:
- Our systems specialist
- WA Solutions co-founder, focusing on TOC, MRPII and DDMRP
- Passionate about technology and development since the age of 16
- Go to movies
- Go out to eat
- Being with his daughter Sofia